dimarts, 2 d’octubre del 2012

Talking about... The Accidental tourist d'Anne Tyler

El proper dijous dia 4 d'octubre de 2012 a les 19h comencem el nostre 3r Cicle de tertúlies en anglès Talking about... Ens trobarem per practicar l'anglès i parlar sobre aquest llibre i el seu autor.

Anne Tyler

(October 25, 1941, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.)
American novelist and short-story writer whose comedies of manners are marked by compassionate wit and precise details of domestic life. Tyler’s first novel, If Morning Ever Comes, was published in 1964. Though it received little critical attention, it revealed the polished prose and understated examination of personal isolation and the difficulty of interpersonal communication that would also characterize her later work. Publication of The Tin Can Tree (1965) and The Clock Winder (1972) followed, but it was not until the appearance of Celestial Navigation (1974) and Searching for Caleb (1975) that Tyler came to nationwide attention. Her highly successful novel The Accidental Tourist (1985) examines the life of a recently divorced man who writes travel guides for businessmen. It was made into a film in 1988. Tyler’s later works include Breathing Lessons (1988), for which she won a Pulitzer Prize in 1989; Saint Maybe (1991); Ladder of Years (1995); A Patchwork Planet (1998); Digging to America (2006); and The Beginner’s Goodbye (2012). Several of her novels were adapted for television. Tyler also wrote and published many short stories.

The Accidental tourist

Everyday life in Baltimore, USA, is full of problems - getting the washing done, buying groceries and dog food, avoiding the neighbors . . . After the death of his son and the departure of his wife, Macon's attempts to run his own life become increasingly desperate. Meanwhile, he has to get on with his work, writing tourist guides for business people. Then his dog Edward starts to bite people, and he has to send for Muriel, the dog trainer. And day by day, Macon's life gets more and more complicated.

Activitat a càrrec de Laura Patricio.

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